The backbone of our local economies has always relied on small businesses, which is why at Manhas Mar, we recognize their importance to our community.
Many people have dreams of starting their own business and only a few take steps to advance their dream. Starting your own business not only means you have to have a good idea, a good product, or a good service, but it also means you need to take action. At the same time, it is very important to set up the legal basis for your venture. At Manhas Mar, we can provide practical advice and solutions to setting up the business legally. We also work with other professionals to get you the right help where you need it. We have worked with hundreds of businesses and have provided strategic advice based on many years of real life business issues. The community Entrepreneur CorpStart Program is just another way our firm wants to help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed.
For any questions regarding the CorpStart Program Fees listed below, or for information on other services relating to business matters, please contact our firm.
Please note that these CorpStart Program Fees are time limited and will apply up to September 30, 2024.